As a holistic educator and guide, my mission is to illuminate pathways to enhanced health and well-being through transformative experiences such as Sound Immersion Journeys, Facilitated Drumming Experiences, and Mindfulness-based Nature Retreats. Each offering creates a sacred space for nurturing essential self-care, self-compassion, deep relaxation, connection, joy, and transformative mental and physical well-being—replenishing the “well” of well-being within that nourishes body, mind, and spirit. Look for Dee's offering at and on our Special Events page.
FULL MOON SHAKTI FLOW - SUNDAYS: 6-8 PM (Call for 2025 dates!)
This is a healing movement class for women, focusing on simple presence, sensory awareness, listening, and the breath. This class is meditative, therapeutic and is a practice to help restore and cultivate your inner reservoir. In the beginning we arrive, create circle, and presence ourselves through a brief introduction and check-in. We will then drop-into a gently guided meditation, before we transition into warm-up movements. The aim of this class is not necessarily physical fitness, although you will get warm and feel embodied. We move through subtle energetic and emotional currents that long to be danced, we listen deeply and then move from there. We invite a field of neutral support, for witnessing and being witnessed. We reflect, share and close the circle, giving thanks for the medicine we make through this gathering.
Using presence, feeling and compassion, I provide a supportive and nurturing container for exploration and awakening to greater wholeness. I am a labor and delivery nurse, doula, massage therapist, mystic, dancer, yoga student, mother, and wilderness explorer, cultivating a path of awakening more and more to my deep essential nature. Offering this class is my way of weaving the sacred rhythms of living nature into my life by working with the moon and the seasonal wheel. As women, we are cyclical in nature, and it helps to return to the well to refill and tend our vessel. My Shakti Flow classes are a blend of my experiences with Temple Dance, Tantric Dance, Authentic Movement, Bodywork, Yoga, Breathwork, Mindfulness Training, Feminine Embodiment Training, Meditation and Taoist Philosophy. I have offered this class in Ashland, Oregon for the last several years before moving back to the Central Coast, and also for the last several months in Arroyo Grande. I am so excited to explore this class in Los Osos at the beautiful Central Coast Body Therapy Studio.
Born and raised in Northern California, Shelley moved to the Central Coast in 1994 and began studying yoga the following year. Her classes are inspired by the teachings of Natanaga Zhander (Shandor Remete), the founder of Shadow Yoga. (Shadow Yoga is based on ancient Hatha Yoga texts. This practice incorporates 12 basic positions and movements adapted from a range of activities including martial arts and dance.) Shelley continues to study annually with Zhander since their initial meeting in 1995, traveling to many California locations as well as Australia and Oregon, and is currently participating in the three-year Shadow Yoga teacher’s training course. Always striving to create a safe, challenging and supportive environment for her students, she teaches a Hatha Yoga and Yoga Gently at CCBTC. “Yoga is a life long practice,” says Shelley, “one that grows as we grow.” Find out more about Shelley at
Victoria is a certified Shamanic Healing Practitioner and professional Tarot Reader with roots in Sweden and the U.S. Her work is a blend of energy healing, intuitive guidance, and spiritual coaching through Soul Garden Companion and retreat leader at CCBTC. Health imbalances, emotional hardship and life transitions are common reasons why people seek her out.
Victoria's life journey began in Sweden where she suffered two major losses as a young girl which shaped her journey. These losses marked the beginning of many years of externally focused and self-destructive choices. A near death experience at age 30 became a catalyst for a powerful vision and a deepening awareness of her unique strengths. She began her journey towards her joyful, creative and authentic self. On this journey she was introduced to Shamanism and the healing effects of the natural environment. She graduated from the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Apprenticeship Program - Peruvian Shamanic Arts for Personal and Planetary Renewal in 2012. More recent studies include "The Art and Practice of Shamanic Healing: A Three-Year Professional Training and Initiation" with renowned teacher Julie M. Kramer.
The time is now to stand for love, hope, and positive change so that we may all experience greater harmony within and without. Check out her latest offering under Special Events!
A native of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Richard moved to Los Angeles in 1964 and has practiced yoga since 1975. This is when he became a disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, author of the yoga classic “Autobiography of a Yogi” and founder of the Self Realization Fellowship. Richard also spent three years in the Anada Yoga Community in Nevada City, California, where he studied Asana yoga. In 2005, Richard spent a month in India undergoing Pancha Karma, a yogic detoxification program. At CCBTC, he studies and teaches ShadowYoga as taught by Natanaga Zhander. “The aim of yoga is to still the mind,” says Richard. “To come to that point, movements are geared to deepening the awareness of the energetic body by breath, and thereby, coming more in harmony with oneself.”
CYNTHIA McCABE (co-owner)
One of CCBTC's co-founders, Cynthia has lived in Los Osos for over 33 years. After completing her Master's Degree in Creative Arts Therapy at Hahnemann University in Philadelphia in 1985, she returned to her home state of California to work as a dance therapist at Atascadero State Hospital. After 15 years, she left the hospital to return to her massage practice and to study Yoga .
Cynthia discovered the healing powers of yoga in 1992 after studying with Anusara Yoga founder John Friend and one of his first certified teachers, Desiree Rumbaugh. After several years teaching a small group of friends, Cynthia opened CCBTC in the fall of 2005 with partners Linda Fitzgerald and Jamie Rossetti. Cynthia completed her teacher training in Anusara Yoga in 2008 and became an Anusara-Inspired teacher in April 2011. Cynthia is deeply grateful for her training and the richness that she derived from learning to teach heartfelt and alignment-based yoga under such intentional and wise teachers. Training with Elise Miller to become a Yoga For Scoliosis trainer and learning about her own scoliosis has helped her to become more sensitive in her classes to the unique needs of each individual. “I love to teach people who are eager to find more authentic ways of being in their body-mind, to teach in ways that enrich my students lives off the mat as well as on the mat!" In 2015 she studied Ayurvedic Therapies in Goa, India and holds a certificate from the Natural Health Center Institute in Goa. And in early 2020, Cynthia became certified as a Wisdom Warriors yoga trainer, and is passionate about teaching Yoga to the over 50 crowd! She adores the healing powers of essential oils and how they beautifully support health, yoga and meditation practices. She is currently studying to become internationally certified in AromaTherapy through the Aromahead Institute. Cynthia offers private yoga sessions for $75 per hour and enjoys helping individuals discover their own yoga practice and alignment. If you would like to fine tune your yoga experience or work on specific issues please contact Cynthia personally. Cynthia also holds an annual Yoga retreat in France every June. Dates to follow. Learn more about Cynthia's massage training and massage services.
Yoga Inside:
T/Th 10:45-noon - Therapeutic Asana AT THE STUDIO AT 2005 9TH ST. $15.
Weds 3-4 pm - Gentle Stretch & Restore AT THE STUDIO AT 2005 9th St. $15
Or Outside:
Weds 9-10:15 am at Los Osos Community Park. $15. 1/2 to SLO Food Bank